Monday, April 30, 2007

The Performance...

1. How can the audience to know about our Inquiry?

The audince can know our inquiry because we will show how climate change actually affect our lives. We will show it by a person died because of the temperature is too hot for them.

2. How can we show our talents through that performance?

Because we are going to have it in a sculpturic way we can show them that we can do our gymnastics because we have our flexibility.

3. The purpose, is your message clear?

Instead of telling them our inquiry with lots of words, why not make it more interesting by doing a performance. At the end of the performance, we can talk about our inquiry.

4. The length of our perfomance

The length of the performance will be 2-3 minutes.

5. Do you have any special needs for this performance?

We would be needing costume and a book so I can hold it as a narator.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

This is my Exhibition!!

  1. Theme: Sharing the Planet
  2. Title: Its our world we are responsible for it
  3. Central Idea: We are responsible for detemining causes of changes in our natrural environment.
  4. Central Idea: 1. Climate change affecting our local environment, 2. Climate change affecting sickness that affects us.


Hey guys! Welcome everybody to my Blog! First of all, I would like to say thank you for you guys who have visited my blog. Its a pleasure to meet you. This blog isn't about myself, but it is about a project that grade 6 is doing. Grade 6 are doing an Exhibition. This is the biggest project of all PYP. All students will have an experience on this project. As you see my title of this blog (Climate change hater over here!), that shows that I hate Climate change. What I ment in this title is that my topic for my exhibition is Climate change. In this blog, you will know facts about Climate change. We were divided into groups. My group members are; Adia, Darren and Sam. Please vist their blog to for more infomation. Once again, thank you for visiting my blog! GBU!!